Swish ‘n Soar at RDU
Branding, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Printing

RDU Airport Authority Swish ‘n Soar Campaign By far one of our most fun projects to date, the RDU Airport Authority Swish ‘n Soar campaign kicked off the 2019 March Madness season with a blast! Contracted by our partners at Eckel & Vaughan, BRANDilly was asked to take lead on design and print for the campaign. […]

Durham County Popular Annual Financial Report
Graphic Design, Printing

Annual Report Design (Durham County) Durham County Finance (Durham, NC) originally connected with the BRANDilly Creative Group to design and print the county’s first Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) and collateral. BRANDilly envisioned a fresh new concept for one of North Carolina’s fastest growing counties. The PAFR displays information on the County’s fiscal health with […]

Nurse Boss Summit 2020
Branding, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Printing, Signage, Web Design

“Act Like a Nurse, Think Like a Boss” Summit Inspiring nurses poised to move from the bedside to boardroom, the inaugural Nurse Boss Summit hosted over 200 attendees and national speakers including Bern Nadette Stanis, Stephanie Brinson, Moniu Doughty and Dr. Jacquelyn Debrew. BCG was honored to be a presenting sponsor and assisted with the […]

Wake County Holiday Cheer – Thanksgiving 2021
BCG News, Giving Back

This Thanksgiving, working alongside the Kappa Charitable Trust Fund, Inc, Southeast Raleigh Table, the Greater Raleigh Area NPHC and with the support of family and friends, BRANDilly Creative Group organized and delivered 53 Thanksgiving Meals via Wake County’s Holiday Cheer Program. Holiday Cheer brightens the holidays of children and seniors in need by matching them […]

NC Central University
Branding, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Printing, Signage, Web Design

BRANDING. DESIGN. DEVELOPMENT. PRINTING. We’ve been working alongside NC Central’s Office of Communications & Marketing since 2015 assisting with everything from logo design, to social media campaigns, to flyers and brochures, to annual and strategic report design, layout and printing, to fully dynamic WordPress website buildouts. Here are a few choice pieces we’ve partnered on […]

Terrible Dad Jokes
Dad Jokes

Help Kemah torment his kids… A running list of our favorite (most terrible) Dad Jokes 😉 What is the most popular fish in the ocean? A starfish. What did Baby Corn say to Mama Corn? Where’s Pop Corn? Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up. What do you call a factory that […]

What’s a “Quick” Versus Custom Logo Design
Branding, Logo Design

What can I expect from BRANDilly? A well-designed logo represents your brand and determines how the consumer will differentiate your brand from the rest. A Brandilly designed logo is crafted with creativity and intention. Our design process begins with getting a firm grasp on what your logo needs to communicate and how it ties in […]

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